Spanish Program Rates
Most students select a Monday start date but midweek starts can be accommodated and the daily tuition rate is 1/5 the weekly rate. Optional morning yoga and afternoon workshops are all given in Spanish and are free of charge. Monday through Thursday 5:00 pm activities include Mexican cooking, Salsa dance lessons, Mexican crafts and more.
For those wanting medical Spanish, legal Spanish, Spanish for social workers (and more professions) please select our Semi-private or Private classes listed below.
Group Spanish lessons ( weekdays 9 to noon)
9:00-10:30 Spanish vocabulary (max. 5 persons)
10:30-10:40 Break
10:40-12:00 Spanish conversation (max. 5 persons)
Cost: 4,500 cash pesos per person, per week +69usd lifetime registration fee
Semi-private Spanish program (4-5 hours daily - weekdays) Private/group combo
Add to the Group Spanish lessons, one or two hours daily of Private Spanish Lessons where you may focus on general Spanish + one topic such as Spanish for law, business, medicine, social work, educators, yoga instruction.
6,400 cash pesos per person, per 20 hour week
8,200 cash pesos per person, per 25 hour week
+69usd lifetime registration fee
Private Class package (block of 10 hours
This class is just you and your teacher and you'll meet at a prearranged schedule at the school for a total of 10 hours minimum. We request 2 hour sessions at least twice per week.
Cost: 5,000 cash pesos
+69usd lifetime registration fee
each block of 10 hours must be completed within 4 weeks of start date.
Children's Group Spanish classes More info >>
9:00-10:30 Class begins
10:30-10:40 Break
10:40-12:00 Class continues
Cost: 4,500 cash pesos per child, per week
+69usd lifetime registration fee
Skype or Zoom Spanish Lessons